drapeau français drapeau allemand
affiche Loin du ciel

Loin du ciel





« We’re no longer dwarves, we’re little people, talk about progress! And me, guess how lucky I was, I got it, but only by a small amount. We’re dwarves from one metre forty and under. Guess how tall I am: one metre forty. »

How do you tell your life with humour, a good dose of elegance and gravity with a touch of irony? Josette tells us everything from her childhood and adolescence. Above all, she tells us how she came to become a singer. Here she is an hour before the concert, rehearsing with her pianist, her stage manager, talking about her life, her career… and singing. We can hear her beautiful voice on original compositions by Antoine Rosset. Along the way, we discover in this show essential stakes both on disability and on human existence in general.

Come and discover the great story of little Josette! A frightening, sentimental, terrible and hilarious story, full of little noises and great fury!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Creation, 2018

Written and performed by Josette Kalifa

Directed by Olivier Couder with the assistance of Natacha Mircovich
Set and puppetry Gilbert Epron
Music and piano Antoine Rosset
Puppet creation Pascale Blaison
Executive producer Théâtre du Cristal
Co-producer Les Mots Cuits


L’Adami gère et fait progresser les droits des artistes-interprètes en France et dans le monde. Elle les soutient également financièrement pou leur projets de créations et de diffusion. 

La SPEDIDAM est une société de perception et de distribution qui gère les droits des artistes interprètes en matière d’enregistrement, de diffusion et de réutilisation des prestations enregistrées.

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Logo du Conseil départemental du Val d'Oise Logo de la ville de ParisLogo de H.A.A.R.P - Handicap Autisme Association Réunie du ParisisLogo de la Fondation Philippe SibieudeLogo d'Entreprendre pour aider