drapeau français drapeau allemand

The company

Founded in 1989, the company produces and presents performances featuring people with or without disabilities, in France and in Europe.

Since 2004, in partnership with ESAT La Montagne (HAARP), the company has hosted fifteen full-time actors with disabilities. These actors are trained at the theatre and cast in the company’s own creations, or in other roles in in short or full-length films. They are frequently requested by casting agents such as X. Giannoli, N. Lvovsky, M. Provost, and L. de Clermont-Tonnerre.

Olivier Couder, the company’s artistic director, has produced over twenty plays by authors such as Beckett, Calaferte, and Durif. He has also published a number of texts on disability and culture.

In addition to these these performances, associate artists (including Philippe Adrien and the “Compagnie du troisième oeil”, Olivier Brunhes, Dominique Houdard, and Eric Morin Racine) have also created works with the company’s actors who write texts appearing in a publication entitled “La Vie comme un journal”.

The company proposes free theatre workshops that are open to the public (people with or without disabilities) every Tuesday.

partners & patrons


Logo du Conseil départemental du Val d'Oise Logo de la ville de ParisLogo de H.A.A.R.P - Handicap Autisme Association Réunie du ParisisLogo de la Fondation Philippe SibieudeLogo d'Entreprendre pour aider